2.计算机组成/steam:Turing Complete






The Basic Principles of Computers For Everyone





正好这段时间(2022.7)我在steam上发现了一个很有意思的游戏Virtual Circuit Board,这更像是一个数字电路仿真器而不是一个游戏。搭建CPU的时机已经成熟,接下来的一段时间,就要着手实现这个事情了。




The title of this book is the punch line of an old joke that goes like this:

Joe is a very nice fellow, but has always been a little slow. He goes into a store where a salesman is standing on a soapbox in front of a group of people. The salesman is pitching the miracle new invention, the Thermos bottle. He is saying, "It keeps hot food hot, and cold food cold...." Joe thinks about this a minute, amazed by this new invention that is able to make a decision about which of two different things it is supposed to do depending on what kind of food you put in it. He can’t contain his curiosity, he is jumping up and down, waving his arm in the air, saying “but, but, but, but…” Finally he blurts out his burning question "But how do it know?"


有个帅小伙人很不错,除了有点呆,反应比较慢。他来到一个商店看到售货员在给一群人推销保温杯:“保温杯冬天放热水,夏天能放雪糕。保冷又保热”。这帅小伙想了一会儿, 觉得保温杯很神奇,因为它能知道放进去的东西是冷的还是热的。帅小伙觉得自己想明白的保温杯的原理,高兴的手舞足蹈,但是又抑制不住内心的好奇,问道: “但是保温杯是怎么知道放进去的东西是冷的还是热的呢?”




You may or may not have laughed at the joke, but the point is that Joe looked at what this Thermos bottle could do, and decided that it must be capable of sensing something about its contents, and then performing a heating or cooling operation accordingly. He thought it must contain a heater and a refrigerator. He had no idea of the much simpler principle on which it actually operates, which is that heat always attempts to move from a hotter area to a cooler area, and all the Thermos does is to slow down this movement. With cold contents, the outside heat is slowed on its way in, and with hot contents, the heat is slowed on its way out. The bottle doesn't have to "know" in order to fulfill its mission, and doesn't heat or cool anything. And eventually, the contents, hot or cold, do end up at room temperature. But Joe's concept of how the bottle worked was far more complicated than the truth.

So the reason for the book title, is that when it comes to computers, people look at them, see what they can do, and imagine all sorts of things that must be in these machines. Or they imagine all sorts of principles that they must be based on, and therefore what they may be capable of. People may assign human qualities to the machine. And more than a few find themselves in situations where they feel that they are embarrassing themselves, like our friend in the joke, Joe.



But computers are actually quite easy to understand. Of course computers have a greater number of parts than a Thermos bottle, but each part is extremely simple, and they all operate on a very simple, very easy to understand principle.

With the Thermos, the principle is that of the motion of heat. This is something we can observe in life. We see ice cubes melting when they are removed from the freezer, and we see the hot meal cooling off on the table when the family is late for dinner.

In the computer, the principle on which it operates has to do with electricity, but that doesn't mean that it is hard to understand. If you have observed the fact that when you turn on a light switch, a light bulb lights up, and when you turn the switch off, the light goes dark, then you have observed the principle on which computers operate. That is about all you need to know about electricity to understand computers.







This book is not primarily intended to be a textbook. There are no problems to do at the end of each chapter. Its intention is simply to demystify the subject of computers for anyone who has ever wondered what’s going on inside of that box. Of course, it also makes aperfect introduction to computers for a young person who will ultimately go on to get a PhD in Computer Science. But it should be easily understandable by house wives,s enior citizens and children who can read well. It should be understandable to plumbers and street sweepers. It requires no previous technical education. It only requires that you can read the language, you can turn a light bulb on and off, and you can do very simple addition on the order of 8+5=13.

This book presents the complete essentials that make upa computer. It presents every piece and part, in the proper order so that each one will make sense, and can be understood. Every part is explained fully, and every new word is defined thoroughly when it is first used. Any attempt to simplify the subject further would leave gaps in the big picture where someone would still have to guess how the parts work together, and you just wouldn’t ever have that “Aha, I get it!” moment that I think you’ll soon have.

This book is not a ‘dumbed-down’ version of some college textbook. It is a complete explanation of the basic principles of computers. It is a technical book, but sois a cookbook and so is a driver’s education handbook.This book just starts at the beginning and defines everyitem needed to understand the machine. No matter what someone already knows about computers, this will fill inany missing pieces and put them all together into something that makes sense.




Even our friend, Joe, could understand this book withdiligent study. There are thousands of words and ideasassociated with the field of computers that make thewhole subject seem like a mess. But the basic conceptsunderlying them are simple.

In this book, there will not be volumes of trivia about the construction or history of computers, just theessentials, no more and no less. Each part of thecomputer has a simple function, and when they areconnected together, you end up with a useful machinecalled a computer.

There is nothing to memorize in this book. Each chapteris designed to give you a new idea that you didn’t havebefore, or if it is something that you had heard aboutpreviously, it always seemed confusing. Each idea isvery simple, and one thing leads to the next. Eachchapter presents an idea. Each idea is simple and easyto understand. Later chapters present ideas that buildon the ideas from previous chapters.




If someone were to write a book about how to build ahouse, there could be various levels of detail. Thesimplest book would say, “lay a foundation, put up thewalls, cover with a roof, put in plumbing andelectrical, and you’re done.” That would not be enoughdetail for someone who didn’t already have someexperience using a hammer and saw and installing afaucet and wiring a light switch.

At the other end of the spectrum would be a book thathad separate chapters for every possible type offoundation, the different kinds of dirt you might haveto dig in, formulas for a dozen different kindsconcrete, charts of weather conditions that are optimumfor laying foundations, etc. That would be far too muchinformation. There would be so many details, that whatwas really important would get lost.

如果有人写了一本盖房子的书,会包含不同层次的细节。最简单的那本这么写:“打地基,砌墙,封顶,通水电,就完成了。” 有些人榔头也没见过,民用电电压是多少也不知道,因此这么写这些细节还不够。


This book attempts to give just enough detail to seewhat every computer has in common and how they work, nothow to build the biggest or best computer ever made. Itis not about any specific brand of computer. It is not about how to use a computer. If it were a book about building a house, it would probably describe a simple plan for a sturdy garden shed with a sink and one barelight bulb, showing the size and shape of every piece of wood, where to put all the nails, how to hang the door and how to put the water pipes together so they wouldn’t leak. It would not show how to build anything as complicated as a fancy curved oak staircase.

We are going to show the one simple part that computers are made of, and then connect a bunch of them together until we have built a complete computer. It is going tobe a lot simpler than you ever imagined.


